Safety + Training
Safety at Tri-City
To make the Safe Choice, the Easiest Choice
‘A Zero Accident Lifestyle’
Safety has been at the very forefront of our minds since starting Tri-City in 1958. We know better than anyone that the health of our employees directly reflects the health of our company, and our Safety & Training Department ensures we’re doing all we can so that employees make it home safe each day.

Safety Orientation
On your first day at Tri-City, you will report to our office to complete a full, immersive day of safety training. We believe that a strong culture of safety builds morale and ensures everyone goes home safely.
Physical and Psychological Safety
For Tri-City, it doesn’t stop at physical safety. We do everything we can to take care of our employees’ psychological well-being and mental health as well.
A Guiding Light
Our team assumes a role that prioritizes safety on multiple levels. At some companies, safety is perceived a certain way. But at Tri-City, we want to coach, be relied upon in the field, and believe in a service-oriented approach to safety.
Safety’s job is to support the employees, to help make sure every employee goes home in the same condition they started in.
Josiha Schuh – Co-Director of Safety & Training

Real Opportunities for Growth
Attracting and retaining the best people is key to the success of any business. From the very beginning, Tri-City has exhibited a strong commitment to providing employees with real opportunities for growth through comprehensive, ongoing training and one of the best apprenticeship programs in the industry. We provide our own Field Leadership and Equipment Training programs across all our locations – Central Florida, Tampa, and South Florida. In addition, Tri-City has more apprentices in the Florida Electrical Apprenticeship & Training (FEAT) program than all other area contractors!
Visualizing Your Career Path
Tri-City practices a strong “promote from within” policy. Consequently, our comprehensive training programs enable employees to continue learning and advance in their careers.
Sponsored Apprenticeship
If you go through the Florida Electrical Apprenticeship & Training (FEAT) program in Orlando or the ABC program in Tampa and South Florida, we’ll cover the cost of your books and tuition while you work at Tri-City full-time.
Leadership Development
We understand that becoming an effective leader takes time, experience, and training. Our belief is that strong leadership from the top down is crucial to our future success. This is our driver to continuously enhance training offered to all our employees.
We’ve tried doing leadership training virtually, but it was too sterile, and didn’t have the same feel as when everyone is in the room. Having all the divisions come together in-person allows us to have a united front.
Mark Kozloski – Co-Director of Safety & Training